Barra Camber

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Barra Camber


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The camber bar is designed for weightlifters committed to maximizing the performance of their posterior chain.

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The camber bar is designed for weightlifters committed to maximizing the performance of their posterior chain.

This bar is compatible with a variety of training equipment, including racks and squat stations, giving you the freedom to customize your workout routines. Strategically placed above the midsection of the body, this bar targets and strengthens the hamstrings and lower back. Keep your upper trunk straight, achieving greater depth and explosiveness in each movement. This will allow you to increase strength and speed while preparing for a safe and effective workout with different types of bars.

Discover the potential that this bar has to elevate your workouts and achieve exceptional development in your posterior chain. No matter what your goals are, this bar is designed to take your lifts to the next level and help you achieve noticeable results in your exercise routine. Make your training more effective and challenging with this extraordinary bar!

15 Kg